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Source Code Install Prerequisites


These prerequisites are only if you are installing Paladin Cloud from source code and not using the AWS AMI to install.

To begin the installation, the EC2 machine should have the below dependencies.
You can run the installer/ script to install these on an Amazon Linux machine.

  1. Python supported version is 3.9
  2. Following python packages are required.
    • docker-py (1.10)]
    • python-terraform (0.10)
    • boto3 (1.9)
    • gitpython
  3. Terraform 1.5.2
  4. node version 16.x.x
  5. npm version 6.4.1 or higher
  6. Following npm packages
    • Angular-CLI version 7.1.4 or higher
    • yarn
  7. java version openjdk1.8 or higher
  8. mvn(Maven) version 3.6.3
  9. docker version 18.06 or higher
  10. MySQL version 15.1 or higher
  11. git